Name | Beschreibung |
signer.dll | Authenticode Signing Interface |
sigtab.dll | Inställningar för filintegritet |
simauth.dll | EAP SIM run-time dll |
simcfg.dll | EAP SIM config dll |
simptcp.dll | Simple TCP/IP Services Service DLL |
sirenacm.dll | Messenger Audio Codec |
sisbkup.dll | Single-Instance Store Backup Support Functions |
sitsetup.dll | Suite Integration Toolkit Object |
skdll.dll | Serial Keys |
skydriveshell.dll | Microsoft OneDrive Shell Extension |
skydrivetelemetry.dll | Telemetry Library for the OneDrive client |
slayerxp.dll | DLL-fil med tilläggsfliken Kompatibilitet |
slc.dll | Software Licensing Client Dll |
slcc.dll | Software Licensing Commerce Client |
slcext.dll | Software Licensing Client Extension Dll |
slcinst.dll | SLC CMI Installer DLL |
slcommdlg.dll | Software Licensing UI API |
sldl_dll.dll | SLDL_DLL |
sldlext.dll | DownLevel Software Licensing Client Extension Dll |
slpts.dll | Sleep Study Troubleshooter |
slr100.dll | System Language Runtime |
sluinotify.dll | Software Licensing UI Notification Service |
slwga.dll | Software Licensing WGA API |
slwmi.dll | Software Licensing WMI provider |
smartcardcredentialprovider.dll | Windows Smartcard Credential Provider |
smartcardsimulator.dll | Microsoft Smart Card Simulator Transport |
smbwmiv2.dll | WMIv2 Provider for SMB File Server/Client |
smiengine.dll | WMI Configuration Core |
smiinstaller.dll | WMI Configuration Installer |
smiprovider.dll | DISM Settings Provider |
smlogcfg.dll | Snapin-modulen Prestandaloggar och -varningar |
smpclrc1.dll | Samsung Printer Driver |
smpclrc2.dll | Samsung Printer Driver |
smphost.dll | Storage Management Provider (SMP) host service |
smsdeviceaccessrevocation.dll | Sms Device Access Revocation Handler |
smspace.dll | Storage Management Provider for Spaces |
smsrouter.dll | Mobile Broadband SMS Router |
smtpapi.dll | SMTP Service Client API Stubs |
smtpcons.dll | WMI |
smtpsnap.dll | SMTP MMC SnapIn DLL |
sndvolsso.dll | SCA Volume |
snmpapi.dll | SNMP Utility Library |
snmpincl.dll | WMI SNMP Provider |
snmpmib.dll | Microsoft SNMP subagent |
snmpsnap.dll | Snapin-modulen SNMP |
sntsearch.dll | Sticky Notes Search DLL |
sodpplm2.dll | أداة مراقبة لغة Sony DPP |
sodppui2.dll | برنامج تشغيل واجهة مستخدم طابعة Sony DPP |
sodppun2.dll | Sony DPP Printer Uni Driver |
softkbd.dll | Soft Keyboard Server and Tip |