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DLL files starting with s

Name Description
srmlib.dll Microsoft (R) File Server Resource Management Interop Assembly
srmscan.dll Microsoft® File Server Storage Reports Scan Engine
srmshell.dll Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Shell Extension
srmstormod.dll Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Office Parser
srmtrace.dll Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Tracing Library
srpapi.dll SRP APIs Dll
srpuxnativesnapin.dll Application Control Policies Group Policy Editor Extension
srrstr.dll Microsoft® Windows System Protection Configuration Library
srrstr.dll Bibliotek för återställningar för Systemåterställning
srsvc.dll Tjänsten System Restore
srumapi.dll System Resource Usage Monitor API
srumsvc.dll System Resource Usage Monitor Service
srvcli.dll Server Service Client DLL
srvsvc.dll Server Service DLL
srwmi.dll Microsoft® Windows System Restore WMI Provider
sscore.dll Server Service Core DLL
sscoreext.dll Server Service Core DLL
ssdpapi.dll SSDP Client API DLL
ssdpsrv.dll SSDP Service DLL
sspicli.dll Security Support Provider Interface
sspisrv.dll LSA SSPI RPC interface DLL
ssshim.dll Windows Componentization Platform Servicing API
sstpsvc.dll Provides the facility of using Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) to connect to remote computers (using VPN).
st24cres.dll Star 24-pin printer driver
startupscan.dll Startup scan task DLL
staticdictds.dll Microsoft IME
status.dll MSWC Status
staxmem.dll Microsoft Exchange Server Memory Management DLL
stclient.dll COM+ Configuration Catalog Client
stclient.dll -
stdole.dll -
stdprov.dll WMI
sti.dll Still Image Devices client DLL
sti.dll Klient-DLL-fil för stillbildsenheter
sti_ci.dll Still Image Class Installer
sti_ci.dll Installationsprogram för (SDI) Still Image Class-enheter
stobject.dll Systray shell service object
stobject.dll Systray shell-tjänstobjekt
storagecontexthandler.dll Device Center Storage Context Menu Handler
storagewmi.dll WMI Provider for Storage Management
storagewmi_passthru.dll WMI PassThru Provider for Storage Management
storewuauth.dll Authentication Provider
stormigplugin.dll Microsoft Storage Migration Plug-in
storprop.dll Property Pages for Storage Devices
storprop.dll Egenskapssidor för lagringsenheter
storsvc.dll Storage Services
streamci.dll Streaming Device Class Installer
strmdll.dll Windows Media Services Streamer Dll
strmfilt.dll Stream Filter Library
structuredquery.dll Structured Query