Name | Description |
srmlib.dll | Microsoft (R) File Server Resource Management Interop Assembly |
srmscan.dll | Microsoft® File Server Storage Reports Scan Engine |
srmshell.dll | Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Shell Extension |
srmstormod.dll | Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Office Parser |
srmtrace.dll | Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Tracing Library |
srpapi.dll | SRP APIs Dll |
srpuxnativesnapin.dll | Application Control Policies Group Policy Editor Extension |
srrstr.dll | Microsoft® Windows System Protection Configuration Library |
srrstr.dll | Bibliotek för återställningar för Systemåterställning |
srsvc.dll | Tjänsten System Restore |
srumapi.dll | System Resource Usage Monitor API |
srumsvc.dll | System Resource Usage Monitor Service |
srvcli.dll | Server Service Client DLL |
srvsvc.dll | Server Service DLL |
srwmi.dll | Microsoft® Windows System Restore WMI Provider |
sscore.dll | Server Service Core DLL |
sscoreext.dll | Server Service Core DLL |
ssdpapi.dll | SSDP Client API DLL |
ssdpsrv.dll | SSDP Service DLL |
sspicli.dll | Security Support Provider Interface |
sspisrv.dll | LSA SSPI RPC interface DLL |
ssshim.dll | Windows Componentization Platform Servicing API |
sstpsvc.dll | Provides the facility of using Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) to connect to remote computers (using VPN). |
st24cres.dll | Star 24-pin printer driver |
startupscan.dll | Startup scan task DLL |
staticdictds.dll | Microsoft IME |
status.dll | MSWC Status |
staxmem.dll | Microsoft Exchange Server Memory Management DLL |
stclient.dll | COM+ Configuration Catalog Client |
stclient.dll | - |
stdole.dll | - |
stdprov.dll | WMI |
sti.dll | Still Image Devices client DLL |
sti.dll | Klient-DLL-fil för stillbildsenheter |
sti_ci.dll | Still Image Class Installer |
sti_ci.dll | Installationsprogram för (SDI) Still Image Class-enheter |
stobject.dll | Systray shell service object |
stobject.dll | Systray shell-tjänstobjekt |
storagecontexthandler.dll | Device Center Storage Context Menu Handler |
storagewmi.dll | WMI Provider for Storage Management |
storagewmi_passthru.dll | WMI PassThru Provider for Storage Management |
storewuauth.dll | Authentication Provider |
stormigplugin.dll | Microsoft Storage Migration Plug-in |
storprop.dll | Property Pages for Storage Devices |
storprop.dll | Egenskapssidor för lagringsenheter |
storsvc.dll | Storage Services |
streamci.dll | Streaming Device Class Installer |
strmdll.dll | Windows Media Services Streamer Dll |
strmfilt.dll | Stream Filter Library |
structuredquery.dll | Structured Query |