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DLL files starting with s

Name Description
softpub.dll Softpub Forwarder DLL
solutionutils.dll Visio Solutions Utilities DLL
solver32.dll SOLVER32 DLL
sortserver2003compat.dll Sort Version Server 2003
sortwindows61.dll SortWindows61 Dll
sortwindows6compat.dll Sort Version Windows 6.0
sos.dll Microsoft NTSD extension for .NET Runtime
spacecontrol.dll Storage Spaces control panel
spbcd.dll BCD Sysprep Plugin
spcmsg.dll SP Installer Msg Dll
speech.dll Microsoft Speech
speechux.dll Speech UX
speechuxcpl.dll SpeechUX control panel
speechuxps.dll Speech Desktop Proxy
speechuxres.dll Speech Desktop Res
sperror.dll SP Error
spfileq.dll Windows SPFILEQ
spgrmr.dll SPTIP Grammar DLL
spinf.dll Windows SPINF
spmpm.dll MountPointManager Sysprep Plugin
spmsg.dll Mensagens do Service Pack
spmsg.dll Service Pack Messages
spmsg.dll Service Pack-meddelanden
spmsg.dll Service Pack İletileri
spnet.dll Net Sysprep Plugin
spoolss.dll Spooler SubSystem DLL
spopk.dll OPK Sysprep Plugin
sporder.dll WinSock2 reorder service providers
spp.dll Microsoft® Windows Shared Protection Point Library
sppc.dll Software Licensing Client Dll
sppcc.dll Software Licensing Commerce Client
sppcext.dll Software Protection Platform Client Extension Dll
sppcomapi.dll Software Licensing Library
sppcommdlg.dll Software Licensing UI API
sppinst.dll SPP CMI Installer Plug-in DLL
sppmig.dll SPP migration plug-in DLL
sppnp.dll PnP module of SysPrep
sppobjs.dll Software Protection Platform Plugins
spprgrss.dll Setup Progress Framework
sppuinotify.dll SPP Notification Service
sppwinob.dll Software Protection Platform Windows Plugin
sppwmi.dll Software Protection Platform WMI provider
spra0402.dll Service Pack 1 Messages
spsreng.dll Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine
spsrx.dll Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine Extensions
sptip.dll Speech TIP
spttseng.dll SAPI 5
spwinsat.dll WinSAT Sysprep Plugin
spwizeng.dll Setup Wizard Framework
spwizimg.dll Setup Wizard Framework Resources