Nombre | Descripción |
computerz2.dll | Computer-Z Data2 Library |
config.dll | Config Library |
configdialog.dll | ConfigDialog |
configdialogx64.dll | ConfigDialog |
configurationmanager.dll | Configur Dynamic Link Library |
connapi.dll | Nokia Connectivity API |
controllermanager.dll | ControllerManager: Controller Management Layer for Test Tools |
core.dll | Superscape DAVROS Architecture |
core82.dll | core82 |
core83.dll | core83 |
core_rl_bzlib_.dll | ImageMagick Studio library and utility programs |
core_rl_magick_.dll | ImageMagick Studio library and utility programs |
cp3245mt.dll | Dynamic Link Run Time Library (VCL MT) |
cptumar.dll | ÐÑипÑопÑÐ¾Ð²Ð°Ð¹Ð´ÐµÑ Tumar CSP |
cpuperf.dll | - |
cr80_q3d.dll | User-Generated Microsoft (R) C/C++ Runtime Library |
crashhandler.dll | Steam Crash Handler Library |
crashhook.dll | CrashHook |
crashreporter.dll | CrashReporter |
crashtrace.dll | Crash Helper Solution |
craxddrt.dll | Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer Design and Runtime Support |
crtslv.dll | TSLV Reader |
craxdrt.dll | Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer Runtime Support |
crdb_adoplus.dll | Crystal Reports database driver for Microsoft ADO.NET |
crtslv.dll | TSLV Reader |
crystaldecisions.crystalreports.engine.dll | Crystal Reports 11 |
crdb_adoplus.dll | Crystal Reports database driver for Microsoft ADO.NET |
crdciv.dll | Civ |
crpe32.dll | Crystal Reports Print Engine |
crviewer9.dll | Crystal Report Viewer |
cruflqrcode5.dll | Morovia QRCode UFL for Crystal Reports |
crviewer.dll | Crystal Report Viewer |
cryd3dcompilerstub.dll | D3D shader compiler stub |
cryentitysystem.dll | - |
cryfont.dll | - |
crygame.dll | - |
cryinput.dll | - |
crynetwork.dll | - |
cryonline.dll | CryOnline |
cryphysics.dll | - |
cryrenderd3d10.dll | - |
cryrenderd3d11.dll | - |
cryrenderd3d9.dll | - |
crysystem.dll | - |
cryphysics.dll | CryPhysics |
crypto.dll | SysSSL |
cryptopp.dll | Crypto++® Library DLL |
cryptopp562.dll | Crypto++ Library DLL |
cryrenderd3d9.dll | - |
crysystem.dll | AION GameClient |