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Archivos DLL que empiezan por l

Nombre Descripción
libcrypto-1_1.dll OpenSSL library
libcrypto-3.dll OpenSSL library
libssl-1_1-x64.dll OpenSSL library
libssl-1_1.dll OpenSSL library
libssl-3.dll OpenSSL library
libcurl.dll libcurl Shared Library
libcurl_x86.dll libcurl Shared Library
libdb62.dll Berkeley DB 6.2 DLL
libeay32.dll SSL Module
libenchant.dll libenchant
libfreespace.dll libfreespace DLL
libgdk-0.dll GIMP Drawing Kit
libgethdsign.dll GetHDSig 动态链接库
libgfl270.dll GFL SDK
libiconv2.dll LibIconv: convert between character encodings
libigmath.dll Math Library OpenGL Release
libigsg.dll Sg Library OpenGL Release
libjcc.dll Jaguar Common Client Library
libjutils.dll Jaguar Generic Utilities
liblept168.dll Leptonica C Image Processing Library
libmariadb.dll Dynamic lib for client/server communication
libmwservices.dll libmwservices
libmx.dll libmx
libut.dll libut
libnelo2.dll Nelo2 Windows SDK
libnghttp2.dll nghttp2; HTTP/2 C library
libovrplatform64_1.dll dev build
libpango-1.0-0.dll Pango
libpangocairo-1.0-0.dll PangoCairo
libpangoft2-1.0-0.dll PangoFT2
libpangowin32-1.0-0.dll PangoWin32
libpkcs11-helper-1.dll pkcs11-helper - An easy way to access PKCS#11 modules
library.dll PowerDirector
librcodec.dll TODO: <文件说明>
libresample.dll libresample
libsasl.dll CMU SASL API v2
libshred.dll Steganos Shredder DLL
libsigc-2.0.17.dll The Typesafe Callback Framework for C++
libsndfile-1.dll Soundfile
libtiff3.dll Tiff: library and tools for TIFF images
libtim.dll Tencent.QCloud.Imsdk.Win
libusb-1.0.dll C library for writing portable USB drivers in userspace
libusb-1.0.dll C library for writing portable USB drivers in userspace
libusb0.dll libusb-win32 - DLL
libusbk.dll libusbK(lusbk) USB Library
libvorbis.dll libvorbis Dynamic Link Library
libvorbisfile.dll libvorbisfile Dynamic Link Library
libwinpthread-1.dll POSIX WinThreads for Windows
libx264-148.dll H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC) encoder library
libxl.dll Library for reading and writing Excel files