Nombre | Descripción |
racwmiprov.dll | Reliability Metrics WMI Provider |
radardt.dll | Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Detector |
radarrs.dll | Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Resolver |
radcui.dll | RemoteApp and Desktop Connection UI Component |
rapi.dll | ActiveSync RAPI Backward Compatibility |
rapi.dll | Mobile Device Remote API |
rapilib.dll | RSVP Libary 1.0 DLL |
rasadhlp.dll | Remote Access AutoDial Helper |
rasapi32.dll | Remote Access API |
rasapi32.dll | Programmeringsgränssnitt för Fjärråtkomst |
rasapi32.dll | Fjärranslutning-DLL |
rasauto.dll | Remote Access AutoDial Manager |
rascfg.dll | RAS Configuration Objects |
raschap.dll | Remote Access PPP CHAP |
raschapext.dll | Windows Extension library for raschap |
rasctrs.dll | Windows NT Remote Access Perfmon Counter dll |
rasctrs.dll | DLL-fil för prestandaräknare för Windows 2000 fjärråtkomst (RAS) |
rascustom.dll | Custom Protocol Engine |
rasdd.dll | Raster Common Printer Driver DLL |
rasddui.dll | Raster Common Printer Driver UI DLL |
rasdiag.dll | RAS Diagnostics Helper Classes |
rasdlg.dll | Remote Access Common Dialog API |
rasdlg.dll | API för fjärråtkomstdialogrutor (RAS) |
rasgcw.dll | RAS Wizard Pages |
rasman.dll | Remote Access Connection Manager |
rasmans.dll | Remote Access Connection Manager |
rasmbmgr.dll | Provides support for the switching of mobility enabled VPN connections if their underlying interface goes down. |
rasmigplugin.dll | Microsoft RRAS Server Migration Lib |
rasmm.dll | RAS Media Manager |
rasmontr.dll | RAS Monitor DLL |
rasmontr.dll | DLL-fil för fjärråtkomstövervakaren (RAS) |
rasmxs.dll | Remote Access Device DLL for modems, PADs and switches |
rasplap.dll | RAS PLAP Credential Provider |
rasppp.dll | Remote Access PPP |
rasqec.dll | RAS Quarantine Enforcement Client |
rasrad.dll | Remote Access Service NT RADIUS client module |
rassapi.dll | Windows NT 4.0 Remote Access Administration DLL |
rassapi.dll | Remote Access Admin APIs dll |
rasser.dll | Remote Access Media DLL for COM ports |
rastapi.dll | Remote Access TAPI Compliance Layer |
rastls.dll | Remote Access PPP EAP-TLS |
rastls.dll | PPP EAP-TLS för fjärråtkomst (RAS) |
rastlsext.dll | Windows Extension library for rastls |
rcbdyctl.dll | Microsoft Fjärrhjälp |
rcbklt8.dll | Ricoh Print Class Driver Booklet Filter |
rcbklt8.dll | XPSDrv Sample Booklet Filter |
rcdll.dll | Microsoft Windows Resource Compiler DLL |
rcnup8.dll | XPSDrv Sample NUp Filter |
rcnup8.dll | Ricoh Print Class Driver NUP Filter |
rcres8.dll | Ricoh Print Class Driver Resource File |