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DLL-tiedostot alkaen d

Nimi Kuvaus
ds32gt.dll Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Setup Generic Thunk
dsauth.dll DS Authorization for Services
dsccore.dll DSC
dsccoreconfprov.dll DSC
dsccorer.dll DSC
dsclient.dll Data Sharing Service Client DLL
dsdmo.dll DirectSound Effects
dsdmoprp.dll DirectSound Effects Property Pages
dsetup.dll -
dsetup.dll Direct driver preloader
dsetup32.dll DirectX Setup - 32-bit piece
dsitf.dll Microsoft Office Document Update Utility Proxy
dskquota.dll Windows Shell Disk Quota Support DLL
dskquota.dll Stöd-DLL för diskkvotsfunktionerna i Windows
dskquoui.dll Windows Shell Disk Quota UI DLL
dskquoui.dll DLL-fil med diskkvotsgränssnittet för Windows Shell
dsound.dll DirectSound
dsound3d.dll DirectSound3D LUT
dsparse.dll Active Directory Domain Services API
dsprop.dll Windows Active Directory Property Pages
dsprop.dll Egenskapssidor för Windows Active Directory
dsprov.dll WMI DS Provider
dsprpres.dll Egenskapssidor för Windows Active Directory-resurser
dsquery.dll Directory Service Find
dsquery.dll Sök i katalogtjänsten
dsreg.dll AD/AAD User Device Registration
dsrole.dll DS Setup Client DLL
dsrole.dll DS Role Client DLL
dssec.dll Directory Service Security UI
dssec.dll Användargränssnitt för säkerhetsfunktionerna i katalogtjänsten
dssenh.dll Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider
dsui.dll Device Setup UI Pages
dsuiext.dll Directory Service Common UI
dsuiext.dll Gemensamt gränssnitt för katalogtjänsten
dswave.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Wave
dtsffile.dll DTSFlatFile Rowset Provider DLL
dtsh.dll Detection and Sharing Status API
dtspump.dll DTSDataPump Service Provider DLL
dtsrcfle.dll Data source file
du.dll Dynamic Update
dui70.dll Windows DirectUI Engine
dumpster.dll Outlook Deleted Item Recovery Client Extension
duser.dll Windows DirectUser Engine
dwdcw20.dll Microsoft Event Reporting Disk Cleanup Wizard
dwintl.dll Αναφορά σφάλματος εφαρμογής της Microsoft
dwintl.dll Relatório de erros de aplicativos Microsoft
dwintl.dll Signalement d'erreurs d'une application Microsoft
dwintl.dll Microsoft Application Error Reporting
dwintl.dll Raportowanie błędów aplikacji firmy Microsoft
dwintl.dll Microsoft 응용 프로그램 오류 보고