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file DLL Oracle Corporation

Nome Descrizione
awt.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
axbridge.dll ActiveX Bridge f’r JavaBeans(TM)
core40.dll Oracle CORE DLL
dcpr.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
dt_shmem.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
dt_socket.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
eula.dll EULA
fontmanager.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
hprof.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
instrument.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
jaas_nt.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
java.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
java_crw_demo.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
jawt.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
jdbcodbc.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
jdwp.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
jli.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
jp2ssv.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
jpeg.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
jpishare.dll Java Plug-in Share Library
jpishare.dll Java(TM) Plug-in Share Library
jsound.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
jsoundds.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
jvm.dll Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
jvm.dll Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
jvm.dll Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM
management.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
myodbc5.dll MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver
myodbc8s.dll MySQL ODBC 8.0 Driver Setup Library
net.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
nio.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
nlsrtl32.dll Oracle NLS Runtime Library DLL
nlsrtl33.dll Oracle NLS Runtime Library DLL
npjp2.dll Next Generation Java Plug-in 11.25.2 for Mozilla browsers
npjp2.dll Next Generation Java Plug-in 10.21.2 for Mozilla browsers
npjp2.dll Next Generation Java Plug-in 11.60.2 for Mozilla browsers
npoji610.dll Classic Java Plug-in 10.55.2 for Netscape and Mozilla
oci.dll Oracle Call Interface
oraxml18.dll Oracle XML Library
rmi.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
sqllib80.dll Oracle Pre-Compiler Library
sqoras32.dll Oracle ODBC Driver for Windows
unpack.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
vboxd3d9wddm.dll VirtualBox Wine D3D9 (WDDM)
vboxdd.dll VirtualBox VMM Devices and Drivers
vboxddu.dll VirtualBox VMM Devices and Drivers Utilities
vboxdisp.dll VirtualBox Display Driver
vboxdispd3d.dll VirtualBox Video Usermode D3D 64-bit Driver
vboxdispd3d.dll VirtualBox Video Usermode D3D Driver
vboxhook.dll VirtualBox Hook Driver