Nome | Descrizione |
icsigd.dll | Internet Gateway Device properties |
icsvc.dll | Virtual Machine Integration Component Service |
icwconn.dll | Internet Connection Wizard |
icwdial.dll | Automatisk uppringning för guiden Internet-anslutning |
icwdl.dll | Téléchargement multipartie MIME du service Internet |
icwdl.dll | Internet Service MIME Mutlipart Download |
icwhelp.dll | Internet Connection Wizard Helper functions |
icwphbk.dll | Guiden Internet-anslutning |
icwres.dll | Assistant Connexion Internet |
icwutil.dll | Internet Connection Wizard |
icwutil.dll | Assistant Connexion Internet |
idctrls.dll | Identity Controls |
idle.dll | Microsoft(R) Visual C++ Idle Component |
idlisten.dll | Identity Listener |
idndl.dll | Downlevel DLL |
idq.dll | ISAP-tillägg för indexeringstjänsten |
idstore.dll | Identity Store |
idtsec.dll | IdtechHidMsr |
ieadvpack.dll | ADVPACK |
ieakeng.dll | Internet Explorer Administration Kit Engine Library |
ieakeng.dll | Motorbibliotek för Internet Explorer Administration Kit |
ieaksie.dll | Internet Explorer Snap-in Extension to Group Policy |
ieaksie.dll | Snapin-tillägget Grupprincip för Internet Explorer |
ieakui.dll | Microsoft IEAK Shared UI DLL |
ieakui.dll | Delad gränssnitts-DLL för Microsoft IEAK |
ieapfltr.dll | Microsoft SmartScreen Filter |
ieapfltr.dll | Microsoft Phishing Filter |
ieawsdc.dll | Microsoft Office 2013 component |
ieawsdc.dll | Microsoft Office 2016 component |
ieawsdc.dll | Microsoft Office 2010 component |
ieawsdc.dll | 2007 Microsoft Office component |
iecont.dll | Microsoft Internet Explorer Contacts |
iecontlc.dll | Microsoft Internet Explorer Contacts resources |
iecustom.dll | DLL de Instalação do Internet Explorer |
iecustom.dll | Internet Explorer Setup DLL |
iedkcs32.dll | IEAK branding |
iedkcs32.dll | DLL för anpassning av Microsoft Internet Explorer |
ieencode.dll | Microsoft Character Encoder |
ieetwcollectorres.dll | IE ETW Collector Service Resources |
ieetwproxystub.dll | IE ETW Collector Proxy Stub Resources |
ieexecremote.dll | Microsoft IE Remote shell |
ieframe.dll | Internet Browser |
ieframe.dll | Internet Explorer |
ieframe.dll | Internet Explorer Browser UI Library |
iehost.dll | Microsoft IE hosting interface |
ienpstub.dll | Network provider delay load stub |
iepeers.dll | Internet Explorer Peer Objects |
iepeers.dll | Peer-objekt för Internet Explorer |
ieproxy.dll | IE ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library |
iernonce.dll | Extended RunOnce processing with UI |