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File DLL che iniziano con s

Nome Descrizione
setupplatform.dll Setup Platform Core
setupqry.dll Indexing Service Install
setupres.dll VS Setup UI Resource DLL
setupui.dll Setup UI Dll
setupwbv.dll Progman på Kontrollpanelen i Internet Explorer
sfc.dll Windows File Protection
sfc_os.dll Windows File Protection
sfc_os.dll Windows Filskydd
sfcfiles.dll Windows 2000 System File Checker
sfmapi.dll Windows NT Macintosh File Service Client
sftldr_wow64.dll Microsoft Application Virtualization SoftLoader
sg.dll Visio Shape Gallery
shacct.dll Shell Accounts Classes
sharedlibrary.dll Microsoft .NET Native Shared Framework
sharemediacpl.dll Share Media Control Panel
shcore.dll SHCORE
shdoc401.dll Shell Doc Object and Control Library - IE 4.01 compat
shdoclc.dll Shell Doc Object och Control Library
shdoclc.dll Shell Doc Object and Control Library
shdocvw.dll Shell Doc Object and Control Library
shdocvw.dll Shell Doc Object och Control Library
shell32.dll Windows Shell Common Dll
shell32.dll DLL comune della shell di Windows
shell32.dll DLL-fil för Windows-gränssnittet
shellext.dll Microsoft Security Client Shell Extension
shellstyle.dll Windows Shell Style Resource Dll
shellstyle.dll DLL-fil med resurser för Windows-användargränssnittsstil
shfolder.dll Shell Folder Service
shfusion.dll Microsoft COM Runtime Fusion Assembly Viewer
shfusres.dll Microsoft COM Runtime Fusion Assembly Viewer Resources
shgina.dll Windows Shell User Logon
shimeng.dll Shim Engine DLL
shimgvw.dll Photo Gallery Viewer
shimgvw.dll Visningsprogram för bilder och fax
shimgvw.dll Windows Picture and Fax Viewer
shlwapi.dll Shell Light-weight Utility Library
shmedia.dll Shell-tillägg för extrahering av mediefilsegenskaper
shmig.dll shmig
shpafact.dll Windows Shell LUA/PA Elevation Factory Dll
shrink.dll SHRINK DLL
shrl30.dll Microsoft Encarta 2001 SHRUIL
shscrap.dll Shell OLE-klipphanterare
shsetup.dll Shell setup helper
shsvcs.dll Windows Shell Services Dll
shsvcs.dll DLL-fil för Windows Shell-tjänster
shunimpl.dll Windows Shell Obsolete APIs
shvlres.dll Internet Spades Resource DLL
shwebsvc.dll Windows Shell Web Services
signdrv.dll WMI provider for Signed Drivers