名前 | 説明 |
confmsp.dll | Microsoft Medietjänstprovider för IP-konferens |
conhostv2.dll | Console Window Host |
connect.dll | Get Connected Wizards |
connectedaccountstate.dll | ConnectedAccountState.dll |
consentux.dll | Device Broker Consent Prompt |
console.dll | Control Panel Console Applet |
contab32.dll | Outlook Address Book Service |
contactactivation.dll | DLL for ContactActivation |
coremessaging.dll | Microsoft CoreMessaging Dll |
coremmres.dll | General Core Multimedia Resources |
coreuicomponents.dll | Microsoft Core UI Components Dll |
corperfmonext.dll | Microsoft Common Language Runtime - Performance Counter DLL |
corpol.dll | Microsoft COM Runtime Execution Engine |
correngine.dll | Correlation Engine |
cpfilters.dll | PTFilter & Encypter/Decrypter Tagger Filters. |
credentialmigrationhandler.dll | Credential Migration Handler |
credssp.dll | Credential Delegation Security Package |
credssp.dll | TS Single Sign On Security Package |
credui.dll | Credential Manager User Interface |
credui.dll | Användargränssnitt för referenshanteraren |
crppresentation.dll | Conference Room Projector : Presentation |
crtdll.dll | Microsoft C Runtime Library |
crypt32.dll | Crypto API32 |
crypt32.dll | 32-bitars kryptografi-API |
cryptbase.dll | Base cryptographic API DLL |
cryptcatsvc.dll | Cryptographic Catalog Services |
cryptdlg.dll | Microsoft Common Certificate Dialogs |
cryptdlg.dll | Vanliga certifikat från Microsoft |
cryptdll.dll | Cryptography Manager |
cryptext.dll | Crypto Shell Extensions |
cryptext.dll | Shell-tillägg för kryptografi |
cryptnet.dll | Crypto Network Related API |
cryptngc.dll | Microsoft Passport API |
cryptowinrt.dll | Crypto WinRT Library |
cryptsp.dll | Cryptographic Service Provider API |
cryptsvc.dll | Cryptographic Services |
crypttpmeksvc.dll | Cryptographic TPM Endorsement Key Services |
cryptui.dll | Microsoft Trust UI Provider |
cryptuiwizard.dll | Microsoft Trust UI Provider |
cryptxml.dll | XML DigSig API |
csamsp.dll | Microsoft CSA MSP |
csapi3t1.dll | Microsoft CSAPI Converter (v3 to v1) |
cscapi.dll | Offline Files Win32 API |
cscdll.dll | Offline Files Temporary Shim |
cscdll.dll | Agent för frånkopplat nätverk |
cscmig.dll | Microsoft Offline Files Migration Plugin |
cscmigdl.dll | Microsoft Offline Files Migration Plugin |
cscobj.dll | In-proc COM object used by clients of CSC API |
cscomp.dll | Visual C# Compiler |
cscompmgd.dll | cscompmgd.dll |