名前 | 説明 |
winscard.dll | Microsoft API för smartkort |
winsetup.dll | Windows System Setup |
winsetupui.dll | Windows Setup UI |
winshfhc.dll | File Risk Estimation |
winsku.dll | Windows SKU Library |
winsockhc.dll | Winsock Network Diagnostic Helper Class |
winspool.dll | Windows Spooler Driver |
winsrpc.dll | WINS RPC LIBRARY |
winsrv.dll | Multi-User Windows Server DLL |
winsrv.dll | Windows Server DLL |
winsta.dll | Winstation Library |
winstrm.dll | Streams DLL |
winsync.dll | Synchronization Framework |
winsyncmetastore.dll | Windows Synchronization Metadata Store |
winsyncproviders.dll | Windows Synchronization Provider Framework |
wintrust.dll | Microsoft Trust Verification APIs |
wintrust.dll | API för autentisering av Microsoft Trust |
wintypes.dll | Windows Base Types DLL |
winusb.dll | Windows USB Driver User Library |
winusbcoinstaller.dll | WinUsb - User-mode USB Update Co-Installer |
winusbcoinstaller2.dll | Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Platform Device Update Co-Installer |
wisp.dll | Microsoft Pen and Touch Input Component |
witnesswmiv2provider.dll | Witness Service WMIv2 Provider |
wkscli.dll | Workstation Service Client DLL |
wksgen.dll | Microsoft Works Utilities |
wkspbrokerax.dll | Microsoft Workspace Broker ActiveX Control |
wksprtps.dll | WorkspaceRuntime ProxyStub DLL |
wkssvc.dll | Workstation Service DLL |
wlanapi.dll | Windows WLAN AutoConfig Client Side API DLL |
wlanapi.dll | Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 Client Side API DLL |
wlancfg.dll | Wlan Netsh Helper DLL |
wlanconn.dll | Dot11 Connection Flows |
wlandlg.dll | Wireless Lan Dialog Wizards |
wlangpui.dll | Wireless Network Policy Management Snap-in |
wlanhc.dll | Wireless LAN Helper Classes |
wlanhlp.dll | Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 Client Side Helper API |
wlaninst.dll | Windows NET Device Class Co-Installer for Wireless LAN |
wlanmm.dll | Dot11 Media and AdHoc Managers |
wlanmsm.dll | Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 MSM DLL |
wlanpref.dll | Wireless Preferred Networks |
wlanradiomanager.dll | Wlan Radio Manager |
wlansec.dll | Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 MSM Security Module DLL |
wlansvc.dll | Windows WLAN AutoConfig Service DLL |
wlansvcpal.dll | Windows WLAN AutoConfig Service PAL DLL |
wlanui.dll | Wireless Profile UI |
wlanutil.dll | Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 Utility DLL |
wlcui.dll | Windows Live Call Softphone |
wldap32.dll | Win32 LDAP API DLL |
wldcore.dll | Windows Live Client Shared Platform Module |
wldlog.dll | Windows Live Desktop Logging |