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로 시작하는 DLL 파일 c

이름 설명
chxem.dll Microsoft IME
chxmig.dll Microsoft IME
chxproxyds.dll Microsoft IME
chxreadingstringime.dll CHxReadingStringIME
chxuserdictds.dll Microsoft IME
ci.dll Code Integrity Module
ciadmin.dll CI Administration (MMC)
cic.dll CIC - MMC controls for Taskpad
cic.dll CIC - MMC-kontroller för verktygspalett
cimwin32.dll WMI Win32 Provider
ciodm.dll Indexing Service Admin Automation Objects
circoinst.dll USB Consumer IR Driver coinstaller for eHome
clb.dll Column List Box
clb.dll Kolumnlistruta
clbcatex.dll -
clbcatq.dll COM+ Configuration Catalog
clbcatq.dll -
cldapi.dll Cloud API user mode API
clfsw32.dll Common Log Marshalling Win32 DLL
cliconfg.dll SQL Client Configuration Utility DLL
clr.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime - WorkStation
clrcompression.dll Native data compression routines
clrhost.dll In Proc server for managed servers in the Windows Runtime
clrjit.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Just-In-Time Compiler
clusapi.dll Cluster API Library
cmcfg32.dll Microsoft Connection Manager Configuration Dll
cmcfg32.dll DLL-fil för konfigurering av Microsoft Anslutningshanteraren
cmdext.dll cmd.exe Extension DLL
cmdial32.dll Microsoft Connection Manager
cmdial32.dll Microsoft Anslutningshanteraren
cmi2migxml.dll CMI To MigXML Translation
cmiadapter.dll CMI adapter for CSI
cmicryptinstall.dll Installers for cryptographic elements of CMI objects
cmifw.dll Windows Firewall rule configuration plug-in
cmifw.dll Windows Defender Firewall rule configuration plug-in
cmipnpinstall.dll PNP plugin installer for CMI
cmisetup.dll Windows Component Configuration
cmitrust.dll Installers for trustInfo and related elements
cmiv2.dll CMI Configuration Management API
cmlua.dll Connection Manager Admin API Helper
cmmigr.dll Microsoft Connection Manager Migration Lib
cmnclim.dll Common Client Library
cmnresm.dll Archivo de datos de Zone
cmpbk32.dll Microsoft Connection Manager Phonebook
cmprops.dll Snapin-moduler för WMI
cmsetacl.dll Connection Manager ACL update
cmstplua.dll Connection Manager Admin API Helper for Setup
cmutil.dll Microsoft Connection Manager Utility Lib
cmutil.dll Verktygsbibliotek för Microsoft Anslutningshanteraren
cnbjmon.dll Språkövervakare för Canon Bubble-Jet-skrivare