이름 | 설명 |
wevtsvc.dll | Event Logging Service |
wfapigp.dll | Windows Firewall GPO Helper dll |
wfascim.dll | Network Management Value Objects |
wfdprov.dll | Private WPS provisioning API DLL for Wi-Fi Direct |
wfdsconmgr.dll | Wi-Fi Direct Services Connection Manager RPC client |
wfhc.dll | Windows Firewall Helper Class |
wfsr.dll | Windows Fax and Scan Resources |
wftpctrs2.dll | FTP Service Performance Counters |
whealogr.dll | WHEA Troubleshooter |
whhelper.dll | Net shell helper DLL for winHttp |
wiaaut.dll | WIA Automation Layer |
wiadefui.dll | WIA Scanner Default UI |
wiadefui.dll | Standardgränssnitt för WIA-skanner |
wiadss.dll | WIA TWAIN compatibility layer |
wiadss.dll | Kompatibilitetsskikt för WIA TWAIN |
wiaextensionhost64.dll | WIA Extension Host for thunking APIs from 32-bit to 64-bit process |
wiafbdrv.dll | Flatbed Scanner Still Image Devices DLL |
wiarpc.dll | Windows Image Acquisition RPC client DLL |
wiascanprofiles.dll | Microsoft Windows ScanProfiles |
wiascr.dll | WIA Scripting Layer |
wiaservc.dll | Still Image Devices Service |
wiaservc.dll | Stillbildsenhetstjänst |
wiashext.dll | Imaging Devices Shell Folder UI |
wiashext.dll | Shell-mappen UI för Imaging-enheter |
wiatrace.dll | WIA Tracing |
wiavideo.dll | WIA Video |
wiavusd.dll | USD för WIA videoströmenhet |
wifidisplay.dll | Wi-Fi Display DLL |
wimgapi.dll | Windows Imaging Library |
wimprovider.dll | DISM WIM Provider |
win32_encryptablevolume.dll | Win32_Encryptable Volume Provider |
win32_tpm.dll | TPM WMI Provider |
win32spl.dll | Client Side Rendering Print Provider |
win32spl.dll | DLL-fil för 32-bitars Spooler API |
win32u.dll | Win32u |
win32ui.dll | Setup Wizard Pages |
winbici.dll | Windows Services Instrumentation Module |
winbio.dll | Windows Biometrics Client API |
winbiobidadapter.dll | WinBio BID Adapter |
winbiosensoradapter.dll | WinBio Sensor Adapter |
winbiostorageadapter.dll | WinBio Storage Adapter |
winbrand.dll | Windows Branding Resources |
wincorlib.dll | Microsoft Windows ® WinRT core library |
wincredprovider.dll | wincredprovider DLL |
windows.applicationmodel.background.systemeventsbroker.dll | Windows Background System Events Broker API Server |
windows.applicationmodel.background.timebroker.dll | Windows Background Time Broker API Server |
windows.applicationmodel.dll | Windows ApplicationModel API Server |
windows.applicationmodel.store.dll | Microsoft Store Runtime DLL |
windows.applicationmodel.store.dll | Windows Store Runtime DLL |
windows.applicationmodel.store.testingframework.dll | Windows Store Testing Framework Runtime DLL |