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DLL-filer som begynner med b

Navn Beskrivelse
baidustore.dll PC Faster Interface Plugin Manager
bandtest.dll BandTest
bar.dll Bar DLL
barcode.dll Barcode.dll
basecat.network.dll BaseCat.Network: Network Abstraction Layer
basecore.dll Base Core
basp.dll Broadcom Advanced Server Program Driver
bass.dll BASS
bassasio.dll BASSASIO
basscd.dll BASSCD
bassenc.dll BASSenc
bassmidi.dll BASSMIDI
bassmix.dll BASSmix
basswasapi.dll BASSWASAPI
basswma.dll BASSWMA
bass_aac.dll Advanced Audio Coding and MPEG-4 add-on for the BASS library
bass_alac.dll Apple Lossless Audio Codec add-on for the BASS library
bass_fx.dll BASS_FX
bavipc.dll Bav IPC Interface
bhips.dll Baidu Antivirus Hips Driver Communication
bcenginezf.dll FIFA 15 Demo
bcgcbpro1210u80.dll BCGControlBar Professional DLL
bcgcbpro1500u80.dll BCGControlBar Professional DLL
bcgcbpro1800u100.dll BCGControlBar Professional DLL
bcgcbpro2200u120.dll BCGControlBar Professional DLL
bcgcbpro2430u120.dll BCGControlBar Professional DLL
bcgcbpro860u80.dll BCGControlBar Professional DLL
bcgcbpro860un71.dll BCGControlBar Professional DLL
bcgcbpro95280.dll BCGControlBar Professional DLL
bdaucommon.dll 百度输入法自动更新共享库
bull140u.dll Windows通用库
bdcap32.dll Bandicam - Bandicapture DLL
bdcap32.dll Bandisoft - Bandicapture DLL
bdvid32.dll Bandisoft - Bandivideo DLL
bdelev.dll Bitdefender Elevated Helper
bdhtmldialogs.dll Bitdefender HTML Dialogs
bdupdateservicecom.dll UpdateService
bds52f.dll BIDS Class Library
bemafi32.dll Dll de alto nível para impressoras fiscais Bematech.
berkelium.dll Chromium
bfcprt.dll User-Generated Microsoft (R) C/C++ Runtime Library
bfllr.dll BFLLR Dynamic Library
bggamingmonitor.dll BullGuard Gaming Monitor
bidstack-cpp-sdk.dll Bidstack C++ SDK
bink2w32.dll RAD Video Tools
bink2w64.dll RAD Video Tools
binkw32.dll Bink Video
binkw32.dll RAD Video Tools
binkw64.dll RAD Video Tools
biosdomain.dll BIOSDomain