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Fișierele DLL care încep cu g

Nume Descriere
gfx_d3d_x86_s.dll -
gfxcore.dll -
gfxengine.dll GFXEngine Dynamic Link Library
gfxshared.dll -
gginst.dll -
ggponet.dll -
ggspawn.dll Garena+ Plugin Host Service
ggspawn.dll -
gif89.dll Gif89 Module
git2.dll libgit2 - the Git linkable library
glew32.dll The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
glew64.dll The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
globals.dll -
glut32.dll -
gmbinaryfile.dll -
gmesdk.dll GME@1121
gmp.dll -
gmpopenh264.dll -
gnu_gettext.dll -
gogo.dll -
gpkitclt.dll -
gpudetect.dll -
gpudx11.dll -
gpuopen_depthoffieldfx_x64.dll -
gpupeopssoft.dll P.E.Op.S. gpu soft plugin
gpupeted3d.dll gpu d3d dx7 plugin
gpupetedx6d3d.dll gpu d3d dx6 plugin
gpupeteopengl2.dll gpuPeteOpenGL2. DLL
grafikrw3.dll -
granny.dll -
graphicdata.dll -
grphmfc.dll -
gsdll32.dll -
gsdll64.dll -
gsplay.dll -
gtainterface.dll -
gwspeed64.dll -
gzmrotate.dll -
glide.dll 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Glide DLL
glide2x.dll 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Glide DLL
glide3x.dll 3dfx Interactive, Inc. Glide® DLL
glide3x.dll 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Glide DLL
gacinstall.dll Installers for CLR and other managed code
gacutlrc.dll Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Global Assembly Cache Utility
gamechat2.dll Microsoft Xbox Game Chat 2
gameux.dll Games Explorer
gameuxinstallhelper.dll Game Explorer Install Helper DLL
gameuxmig.dll gameuxmig
gamingtcui.dll Windows Gaming Internal CallableUI dll
gapi32.dll Microsoft Mail Configuration Library