Nume | Descriere |
photonbridge.dll | Photon Bridge |
php5apache2_4.dll | Apache 2.0 Handler |
php5ts.dll | PHP Script Interpreter |
php7.dll | PHP Script Interpreter |
php7apache2_4.dll | Apache 2.0 Handler |
php7ts.dll | PHP Script Interpreter |
php_apc.dll | php_apc.dll |
php_curl.dll | cURL |
php_gd2.dll | GD imaging |
php_imagick.dll | Imagick |
php_intl.dll | Internationalization |
php_ldap.dll | LDAP |
php_mbstring.dll | Multibyte String Functions |
php_memcache.dll | Antony Dovgal, Mikael Johansson |
php_mssql.dll | MS SQL |
php_mssql.dll | DB-LIB (MS SQL, Sybase) |
php_mysqli.dll | MySQLi |
php_oci8.dll | OCI8 |
php_oci8_11g.dll | OCI8 |
php_pdo_odbc.dll | ODBC driver for PDO |
php_pdo_pgsql.dll | PostgreSQL driver for PDO |
pixdfltn.dll | ISIS (Image and Scanner Interface Standard) |
pixmpn.dll | Multi-page Image Library |
platform.dll | Platform Dynamic Link Library |
plclient_kompas.dll | Client |
poco.dll | This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries. |
pocofoundation.dll | This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries. |
poconetssl.dll | This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries. |
policyprobe.dll | PolicyProbe |
potplayer.dll | ííë ì´ì´ |
productinfo.dll | - |
protocolfilters.dll | ProtocolFilters |
prrc.dll | Recovery Manager |
prxdrvpe.dll | Proxifier Portable Edition Network Engine |
prxdrvpe64.dll | Proxifier Portable Edition Network Engine x64 |
prxerdrv.dll | Proxifier Winsock Layered Service Provider |
prxerdrv.dll | Proxifier Winsock Layered Service Provider |
pscl3.dll | Pervasive Services Class Library, 3rd generation |
pscore3.dll | Pervasive Services Core Library |
pscliks.dll | - |
psim.dll | PSIM DLL |
psinoav.dll | PSINOAV |
pskalloc.dll | Anti-malware protection support library |
pstilldll64.dll | pstilldll |
pthread.dll | POSIX Threads for Windows32 Library |
pthreadvc2.dll | POSIX Threads for Windows32 Library |
pthreadgc2.dll | GNU C x86 (mingw32) |
pthreadvc2.dll | MS C x86 |
pthreadvc2.dll | MS C |
pthreadvce2.dll | MS C++ x86 |