İsim | Açıklama |
imtcskf.dll | Microsoft IME |
imtctip.dll | Microsoft IME 2012 |
imtctip.dll | Microsoft IME |
imtctip.dll | ImTCTip.dll |
imtctrln.dll | Microsoft IME 2012 |
imtctrln.dll | IMTCTRLN.dll |
imtcui.dll | Microsoft IME 2012 |
imtcui.dll | Microsoft IME |
inetcfg.dll | Bibliotek för guiden Internet-anslutning |
inetcomm.dll | Microsoft Internet Messaging API Resources |
inetcomm.dll | Microsoft Internet Messaging API |
inetcplc.dll | Internet på Kontrollpanelen |
inetmib1.dll | Microsoft MIB-II subagent |
inetmib1.dll | SNMP Internet MIB |
inetpp.dll | Internet Print Provider DLL |
inetpp.dll | DLL-fil för Internet-utskriftsprovider |
inetppui.dll | Internet Print Client DLL |
inetppui.dll | DLL-fil för Internet-utskriftsklient |
inetres.dll | Microsoft Internet Messaging API Resources |
inetres.dll | Microsoft Internet Messaging API-resurser |
infocardapi.dll | Microsoft InfoCards |
infocomm.dll | Knihovna nápomoci pro Microsoft Internet Information Services |
infoctrs.dll | Common Internet Information Service Performance Counters |
infosoft.dll | Wordbreaker and stemmer dll |
initpki.dll | Microsoft Trust Installation and Setup |
initpki.dll | Installation och konfigurering av Microsoft Trust |
inkdiv.dll | Microsoft Tablet PC Ink Divider Platform Component |
inked.dll | Microsoft Tablet PC InkEdit Control |
inkeng.dll | Windows Desktop RichInk Engine |
inkobj.dll | Microsoft Tablet PC Component |
inkobj.dll | Microsoft Tablet PC Ink Platform Component |
input.dll | InputSetting DLL |
input.dll | DLL-fil för textinmatning |
inputhost.dll | InputHost |
inputswitch.dll | Microsoft Windows Input Switcher |
inseng.dll | Install engine |
inseng.dll | Installationsprogram |
install.res.1028.dll | UI Wrapper Resource DLL |
installeventres.dll | InstallUX event manifest resources |
installutillib.dll | Managed Installer Object |
installutillib.dll | InstallUtilLib.lib |
intldate.dll | 2007 Microsoft Office component |
intlprovider.dll | DISM International Provider |
intro.dll | Microsoft (R) 32-Bit 80x86 Compiler Back End |
iologmsg.dll | IO Logging DLL |
iologmsg.dll | DLL-fil för I/O-loggning |
ipbusenum.dll | PnP-X IP Bus Enumerator DLL |
ipbusenumproxy.dll | Associated Device Presence Proxy Dll |
ipcfgdll.dll | Ipconfig API DLL |
iphlpapi.dll | IP Helper API |