İsim | Açıklama |
xpistub.dll | - |
xul.dll | - |
xgraphic32.dll | QQ2013 |
ximage.dll | è ¾è®¯QQ |
xplatform.dll | AVSDK@41628 |
xerces-c_2_1_0.dll | Shared Library for Xerces-C Version 2.1.0 |
xerces-c_2_5_0.dll | Shared Library for Xerces-C Version 2.5.0 |
xerces-c_2_6.dll | Shared Library for Xerces-C Version 2.6.0 |
xerces-c_2_7.dll | Shared Library for Xerces-C Version 2.7.0 |
xerces-c_2_8.dll | Shared Library for Xerces-C Version 2.8.0 |
xerces-c_3_0.dll | Shared Library for Xerces-C++ Version 3.0.1 |
xerces-c_3_0.dll | Shared Library for Xerces-C++ Version 3.0.0 |
xerces-c_3_1.dll | Shared Library for Xerces-C++ Version 3.1.0 |
xrapi.dll | - |
xrcore.dll | - |
xrnetserver.dll | - |
xrsound.dll | - |
xthread.dll | XThread |
xccdx40.dll | Codecs Libary |
xf_os.dll | Mentor Graphics Application |
xf_sessions.dll | Mentor Graphics Application |
x64-msvcrt-ruby220.dll | Ruby interpreter (DLL) 2.2.4p230 [x64-mingw32] |
x64-msvcrt-ruby250.dll | Ruby interpreter (DLL) 2.5.5p157 [x64-mingw32] |
xahook.dll | XAHook Dynamic Link Library |
xceedzip.dll | Xceed Zip Compression Library |
xceedzip.dll | Part of the Xceed Zip Compression Library, this ActiveX control must be licensed by Xceed Software to developers that wish to use it in their own applications. |
xcomm.dll | AVX Communicator |
xcomm.dll | BitDefender Communicator |
xcsp_eclib.dll | xcsp_eclib_common |
xdt.dll | Xdt |
xlfsio.dll | XLFSIO |
xlgraphic.dll | XLGraphic |
xlstat4.dll | xlstat4 |
xlue.dll | XLUE |
xgamepad.dll | XGamepad Gamepad API |
xinput1_3.dll | XBOX 360 Controller Emulator (x64) |
xml.dll | FileMaker Web Publishing XML Classes |
xml.dll | Xojo plugin |
xmlfgts.dll | SABLOTRON |
xnmte550.dll | XVT/Win32 Intel PTK Text Edit Library |
xproto.dll | Raidcall X-Proto Kernel Component |
xprt6.dll | XPRT Runtime Library |
xpsmtp80.dll | XPSMTP |
xritedevice.dll | X-RiteDevice Service Library |
xrstreampdlfilter.dll | XPS Rendering Filter |
xrtxtrescl0.dll | موارد سلاسل DLL |
xrwcbgnd.dll | Xerox WorkCentre Pro |
xrwcdev.dll | Xerox WorkCentre Pro |
xrwctmg2.dll | Xerox WorkCentre Pro |
xrwpcoin.dll | المثبت المساعد |