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DLL файли, починаючи з c

Ім'я Опис
confmsp.dll Microsoft Medietjänstprovider för IP-konferens
conhostv2.dll Console Window Host
connect.dll Get Connected Wizards
connectedaccountstate.dll ConnectedAccountState.dll
consentux.dll Device Broker Consent Prompt
console.dll Control Panel Console Applet
contab32.dll Outlook Address Book Service
contactactivation.dll DLL for ContactActivation
coremessaging.dll Microsoft CoreMessaging Dll
coremmres.dll General Core Multimedia Resources
coreuicomponents.dll Microsoft Core UI Components Dll
corperfmonext.dll Microsoft Common Language Runtime - Performance Counter DLL
corpol.dll Microsoft COM Runtime Execution Engine
correngine.dll Correlation Engine
cpfilters.dll PTFilter & Encypter/Decrypter Tagger Filters.
credentialmigrationhandler.dll Credential Migration Handler
credssp.dll Credential Delegation Security Package
credssp.dll TS Single Sign On Security Package
credui.dll Credential Manager User Interface
credui.dll Användargränssnitt för referenshanteraren
crppresentation.dll Conference Room Projector : Presentation
crtdll.dll Microsoft C Runtime Library
crypt32.dll Crypto API32
crypt32.dll 32-bitars kryptografi-API
cryptbase.dll Base cryptographic API DLL
cryptcatsvc.dll Cryptographic Catalog Services
cryptdlg.dll Microsoft Common Certificate Dialogs
cryptdlg.dll Vanliga certifikat från Microsoft
cryptdll.dll Cryptography Manager
cryptext.dll Crypto Shell Extensions
cryptext.dll Shell-tillägg för kryptografi
cryptnet.dll Crypto Network Related API
cryptngc.dll Microsoft Passport API
cryptowinrt.dll Crypto WinRT Library
cryptsp.dll Cryptographic Service Provider API
cryptsvc.dll Cryptographic Services
crypttpmeksvc.dll Cryptographic TPM Endorsement Key Services
cryptui.dll Microsoft Trust UI Provider
cryptuiwizard.dll Microsoft Trust UI Provider
cryptxml.dll XML DigSig API
csamsp.dll Microsoft CSA MSP
csapi3t1.dll Microsoft CSAPI Converter (v3 to v1)
cscapi.dll Offline Files Win32 API
cscdll.dll Offline Files Temporary Shim
cscdll.dll Agent för frånkopplat nätverk
cscmig.dll Microsoft Offline Files Migration Plugin
cscmigdl.dll Microsoft Offline Files Migration Plugin
cscobj.dll In-proc COM object used by clients of CSC API
cscomp.dll Visual C# Compiler
cscompmgd.dll cscompmgd.dll