Tên | Sự miêu tả |
xmlfilter.dll | XML Filter |
xmllite.dll | Microsoft XmlLite Library |
xmlprov.dll | Network Provisioning Service |
xmlprovi.dll | Network Provisioning Service Client API |
xmlrw.dll | Microsoft XML Slim Library |
xocr3.psp.dll | Windows OCR Engine - Main OCR Module |
xolehlp.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Helper APIs DLL |
xolehlp.dll | MS DTChelper APIs DLL |
xolehlp.dll | MS DTC helper APIs DLL |
xplog70.dll | SQL Login Integration Procedures DLL |
xpob2res.dll | Meddelanden för Service Pack 2 OOB |
xpsfilt.dll | XML Paper Specification Document IFilter |
xpsgdiconverter.dll | XPS to GDI Converter |
xpshims.dll | Internet Explorer Compatibility Shims for XP |
xpsp1res.dll | Meddelanden för Service Pack 1 |
xpsp2res.dll | Service Pack 2-meddelanden |
xpsp3res.dll | Service Pack 3-meddelanden |
xpsprint.dll | XPS Printing DLL |
xpsrasterservice.dll | XPS Rasterization Service Component |
xpsservices.dll | Xps Object Model in memory creation and deserialization |
xpsshhdr.dll | OPC Shell Metadata Handler |
xpsshhdr.dll | Package Document Shell Extension Handler |
xpssvcs.dll | Native Code Xps Services Library |
xpstar.dll | XPSTAR |
xpstar.dll | XPSTAR70 Resource DLL |
xrnm.dll | Microsoft XRNM |
xvoice.dll | DirectSpeechSynthesis Module |
xwizards.dll | Extensible Wizards Manager Module |
xwreg.dll | Extensible Wizard Registration Manager Module |
xwtpdui.dll | Extensible Wizard Type Plugin for DUI |
xwtpw32.dll | Extensible Wizard Type Plugin for Win32 |
yule.dll | Microsoft Media Player Bonus Visualization - Yule Log |
zcorem.dll | Zone Datafile |
zeeverm.dll | Zone Datafile |
zgmprxy.dll | Internal file used by the Internet Games |
zipfldr.dll | Compressed (zipped) Folders |
zipfldr.dll | Komprimerade mappar |
zipfldr.dll | ZIP-komprimierte Ordner |
znetm.dll | Zone Datafile |
zoneoc.dll | Zone Datafile |
zunecfg.dll | Zune Configuration |