Tên | Sự miêu tả |
dwintl.dll | Zasílání zpráv o chybách aplikací |
dwintl.dll | Hulpprogramma voor foutenrapportage voor Microsoft-toepassingen |
dwintl.dll | Microsoft Anwendungs-Problemdiagnose |
dwintl.dll | Microsoft rapportering af programfejl |
dwintl.dll | Feilrapportering i Microsoft-program |
dwintl.dll | Segnalazione errori applicazioni Microsoft |
dwintl.dll | Microsoft hibajelentő |
dwintl.dll | Microsoft アプリケーション エラー報告 |
dwintl.dll | Microsoft sovellusvirheiden raportoiminen |
dwintl20.dll | Microsoft Application Error Reporting |
dwintl20.dll | Microsoft 应用程序错误报告 |
dwmapi.dll | Microsoft Desktop Window Manager API |
dwmcore.dll | Microsoft DWM Core Library |
dwmredir.dll | Microsoft Desktop Window Manager Redirection Component |
dwrite.dll | Microsoft DirectX Typography Services |
dx7vb.dll | Microsoft DirectX för Visual Basic |
dx8vb.dll | Microsoft DirectX för Visual Basic |
dxcompiler.dll | Direct3D Compiler DLL for Redistribution |
dxdiagn.dll | Microsoft DirectX Diagnostic Tool |
dxgi.dll | DirectX Graphics Infrastructure |
dxgi.dll | Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure |
dxgidebug.dll | DXGI Debug Binary |
dxgwdi.dll | Microsoft DirectX Graphics WDI Handler |
dxil.dll | DirectX IL for Redistribution |
dxilconv.dll | DirectX IL Converter DLL |
dxmasf.dll | Microsoft Windows Media Component Removal File. |
dxmasf.dll | Windows Media Source Filter |
dxmrtp.dll | Microsoft RTC Audio, Video and RTP Filters |
dxmrtp.dll | Microsoft TAPI Audio, Video and RTP Filters |
dxp.dll | Device Stage Shell Extension |
dxpps.dll | Device Experience Platform Proxy\Stub DLL |
dxptaskringtone.dll | Microsoft Ringtone Editor |
dxptasksync.dll | Microsoft Windows DXP Sync. |
dxtmsft.dll | DirectX Media -- Image DirectX Transforms |
dxtrans.dll | DirectX Media -- DirectX Transform Core |
dxupdate.dll | DirectX Setup |
dxva2.dll | DirectX Video Acceleration 2.0 DLL |
ds32.dll | DemoShield Hook Function Dll |
dataview.dll | Visual Basic DataView Window |
dfrgres.dll | Disk Defragmenter Resource Module |
dmdlgs.dll | Disk Management Snap-in Dialogs |
dmdskmgr.dll | Disk Management Snap-in Support Library |
dmdskres.dll | Disk Management Snap-in Resources |
dmintf.dll | Disk Management DCOM Interface Stub |
deployui.dll | Autodesk component |
deployui.dll | AutoCAD component |
dwfcore_wt.1.7.0.dll | DWF Core Library |
dx.dll | dx |
databinding.dll | DataBinding library (64-Bit) |
drpcunlr.dll | DRPCUNLR (64-Bit) |