0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Tệp DLL bắt đầu bằng s

Tên Sự miêu tả
smadengine.dll Smadav Virus Scanner Engine
smartkey.dll Smartkey
smush.dll Smush Animation Library
socialclub.dll Social Club
soui.dll soui
spawnclr.dll Spawn Support
speechuxres.dll [Speech Desktop Res !!! !!! ]
spnike.dll MDM Device Interface for Nike device.
sprio600.dll MDM Device Interface for Rio 600 device.
sprio800.dll MDM Device Interface for Rio 800 device.
spp.dll Serial Port Module
spxcoins.dll Specialix MPS NT Upgrade CoInstaller
sqlcipher.dll SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.
sqlite3.dll SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.
ss32d25.dll -
ss3dgfunc.dll 4DyuchiGXGFunc
ssce5432.dll Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine
ssce5532.dll Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine
ssce5564.dll Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine
sscrmgr2.dll License manager module
ssleay32.dll TrueVector Service
stairdesigner.en.dll StairDesigner - English
starburn.dll StarBurn CD/DVD/Blu-Ray/HD-DVD Burning, Grabbing and Mastering Toolkit for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Longhorn
statrn32.dll Stat/Transfer DLL
steamworksmanaged.dll ManagedSteam
stl_tdis.dll Table Display Library
stlang.dll IDT PC Audio
stlfspapi32.dll Finger Sensing Pad API Library.
stlport.5.0.dll STLport
stlport.5.1.dll STLport
stlport_r50.dll STLport
stlport_vc10.5.2.dll STLport
stlport_vc7145.dll STLport
stlport_vc7146.dll STLport
stlport_vc7150.dll STLport
stlport_vc745.dll STLport
ststring.dll ST String Management Class
ststringarray.dll Dynamic Link Library STArray
stxml.dll Xml Library
sun_show.dll sun_show.dll
sview3.dll SView
swicarddetectx.dll Card Detection Library
sx32w.dll -
sxlrt233.dll -
syncom.dll SynCOM
synisdll.dll Install Resource Strings
syntpco14.dll Synaptics Pointing Device Driver Co-Installer
syntpco19.dll Synaptics Pointing Device Driver Co-Installer
syntpco63.dll Synaptics Pointing Device Driver Co-Installer