姓名 | 描述 |
batt.dll | Battery Class Installer |
bcd.dll | BCD DLL |
bcdprov.dll | Boot Configuration Data WMI Provider |
bcdsrv.dll | Boot Configuration Data COM Server |
bckg.dll | Zone Backgammon Client |
bckgres.dll | Internet Backgammon Resource DLL |
bcp47langs.dll | BCP47 Language Classes |
bcp47mrm.dll | BCP47 Language Classes for Resource Management |
bcrypt.dll | Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library |
bcrypt.dll | Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library (Wow64) |
bcryptprimitives.dll | Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library |
bdehdcfglib.dll | Windows BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool |
bderepair.dll | BitLocker Drive Encryption: Drive Repair Tool |
bdesvc.dll | BDE Service |
bdesysprep.dll | BdeSysprep |
bdeui.dll | Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption User Interface |
bfe.dll | Base Filtering Engine |
bi.dll | Background Broker Infrastructure Client Library |
bidi32.dll | BIDI32 DLL |
bidispl.dll | Bidispl DLL |
biocpl.dll | Biometrics Control Panel |
biocredprov.dll | WinBio Credential Provider |
bisrv.dll | Background Tasks Infrastructure Service |
bitsigd.dll | Background Intelligent Transfer Service IGD Support |
bitsmig.dll | BITS Server Extensions Upgrade |
bitsperf.dll | Perfmon Counter Access |
bitsprx2.dll | Background Intelligent Transfer Service Proxy |
bitsprx3.dll | Background Intelligent Transfer Service 2.0 Proxy |
bitsprx4.dll | Background Intelligent Transfer Service 2.5 Proxy |
bitsprx5.dll | Background Intelligent Transfer Service 3.0 Proxy |
bitsprx6.dll | Background Intelligent Transfer Service 4.0 Proxy |
bitsprx7.dll | Background Intelligent Transfer Service 5.0 Proxy |
biwinrt.dll | Windows Background Broker Infrastructure |
bjablr32.dll | Outlook LDAP Address Book Provider |
blackbox.dll | BlackBox DLL |
blb_ps.dll | Microsoft® Block Level Backup proxy/stub |
blbevents.dll | Blb Publisher |
blbres.dll | Microsoft® Block Level Backup Engine Service Resources |
bluetoothapis.dll | Bluetooth Usermode Api host |
bootmenuux.dll | BootMenuUX |
bootres.dll | Boot Resource Library |
bootstr.dll | Boot String Resource Library |
bootux.dll | bootux |
bootvid.dll | VGA Boot Driver |
branding.dll | MS Office Branding Companion |
brcpl.dll | Backup and Restore Control Panel |
brcplsdw.dll | File and Folder Backup and Restore wrapper for Backup and Restore Control Panel |
brcplsiw.dll | Windows Complete PC Backup and Restore wrapper for Backup and Restore Control Panel |
brdgcfg.dll | NWLink IPX Notify Object |
bridgemigplugin.dll | Offline Files Migration Plugin |