0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

DLL soubory začínající na p

název Popis
photonbridge.dll Photon Bridge
php5apache2_4.dll Apache 2.0 Handler
php5ts.dll PHP Script Interpreter
php7.dll PHP Script Interpreter
php7apache2_4.dll Apache 2.0 Handler
php7ts.dll PHP Script Interpreter
php_apc.dll php_apc.dll
php_curl.dll cURL
php_gd2.dll GD imaging
php_imagick.dll Imagick
php_intl.dll Internationalization
php_ldap.dll LDAP
php_mbstring.dll Multibyte String Functions
php_memcache.dll Antony Dovgal, Mikael Johansson
php_mssql.dll MS SQL
php_mssql.dll DB-LIB (MS SQL, Sybase)
php_mysqli.dll MySQLi
php_oci8.dll OCI8
php_oci8_11g.dll OCI8
php_pdo_odbc.dll ODBC driver for PDO
php_pdo_pgsql.dll PostgreSQL driver for PDO
pixdfltn.dll ISIS (Image and Scanner Interface Standard)
pixmpn.dll Multi-page Image Library
platform.dll Platform Dynamic Link Library
plclient_kompas.dll Client
poco.dll This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries.
pocofoundation.dll This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries.
poconetssl.dll This file is part of the POCO C++ Libraries.
policyprobe.dll PolicyProbe
potplayer.dll 팟플레이어
productinfo.dll -
protocolfilters.dll ProtocolFilters
prrc.dll Recovery Manager
prxdrvpe.dll Proxifier Portable Edition Network Engine
prxdrvpe64.dll Proxifier Portable Edition Network Engine x64
prxerdrv.dll Proxifier Winsock Layered Service Provider
prxerdrv.dll Proxifier Winsock Layered Service Provider
pscl3.dll Pervasive Services Class Library, 3rd generation
pscore3.dll Pervasive Services Core Library
pscliks.dll -
psim.dll PSIM DLL
psinoav.dll PSINOAV
pskalloc.dll Anti-malware protection support library
pstilldll64.dll pstilldll
pthread.dll POSIX Threads for Windows32 Library
pthreadvc2.dll POSIX Threads for Windows32 Library
pthreadgc2.dll GNU C x86 (mingw32)
pthreadvc2.dll MS C x86
pthreadvc2.dll MS C
pthreadvce2.dll MS C++ x86