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DLL soubory začínající na p

název Popis
provsvc.dll Windows HomeGroup
provthrd.dll WMI Provider Thread & Log Library
proximitycommon.dll Proximity Common Implementation
proximitycommonpal.dll Proximity Common PAL
proximityrtapipal.dll Proximity WinRT API PAL
proximityservice.dll Proximity Service Implementation
proximityservicepal.dll Proximity Service PAL
prvdmofcomp.dll WMI
ps5ui.dll PostScript 驅動程式使用者介面
ps5ui.dll واجهة مستخدم برنامج تشغيل PostScript
psapi.dll Process Status Helper
psbase.dll Protected Storage default provider
psbase.dll Standardprovider för skyddad lagringsplats
pschdprf.dll Microsoft® Windows(TM) PSched Performance Monitor
pscript5.dll PostScript 印表機驅動程式
pscript5.dll برنامج تشغيل طابعة PostScript
pscrptui.dll PostScript Printer Driver User Interface
psdscfiledownloadmanagerevents.dll DSC
psevents.dll Microsoft PowerShell Crimson log Message Dll
pshed.dll Platform Specific Hardware Error Driver
psisdecd.dll Microsoft SI/PSI parser for MPEG2 based networks.
psmachine.dll Microsoft Edge Update
psmachine_64.dll Microsoft Edge Update
psmodulediscoveryprovider.dll WMI
psmsrv.dll Process State Manager (PSM) Service
psnppagn.dll DCOM Proxy for NPPAgent Object
pspluginwkr-v3.dll pspluginwkr-v3.dll
pspluginwkr.dll pspluginwkr.dll
pstask.dll pstask Task
pstorec.dll Deprecated Protected Storage COM interfaces
pstorec.dll Protected Storage COM interfaces
pstorsvc.dll Protected storage server
pstorsvc.dll Server för skyddad lagring
pstprx32.dll Proxy Store Provider
ptpusb.dll WIA PTP proxy
ptpusd.dll ISO15740 WIA mini driver
ptxt9.dll Microsoft Publisher TXT Converter
puiapi.dll puiapi DLL
puiobj.dll PrintUI Objects DLL
purchasewindowslicense.dll Purchase Windows License
pwlauncher.dll Windows To Go Launcher
pwrshmsg.dll Microsoft PowerShell EventLog Message Dll
pwrshplugin.dll pwrshplugin.dll
pwrshsip.dll Crypto SIP provider for signing and verifying PowerShell script files (.ps1/.ps1xml)
pwsdata.dll PWS Data Collector
pwsso.dll Windows To Go Shell Service Object
paige32.dll Paige32
php_pdo_sqlsrv_7_ts_x64.dll Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server (PDO Driver)
proddata.dll AutoCAD component
paintercore64.dll Painter Core Dynamic Link Library