Nombre | Descripción |
chxem.dll | Microsoft IME |
chxmig.dll | Microsoft IME |
chxproxyds.dll | Microsoft IME |
chxreadingstringime.dll | CHxReadingStringIME |
chxuserdictds.dll | Microsoft IME |
ci.dll | Code Integrity Module |
ciadmin.dll | CI Administration (MMC) |
cic.dll | CIC - MMC controls for Taskpad |
cic.dll | CIC - MMC-kontroller för verktygspalett |
cimwin32.dll | WMI Win32 Provider |
ciodm.dll | Indexing Service Admin Automation Objects |
circoinst.dll | USB Consumer IR Driver coinstaller for eHome |
clb.dll | Column List Box |
clb.dll | Kolumnlistruta |
clbcatex.dll | - |
clbcatq.dll | COM+ Configuration Catalog |
clbcatq.dll | - |
cldapi.dll | Cloud API user mode API |
clfsw32.dll | Common Log Marshalling Win32 DLL |
cliconfg.dll | SQL Client Configuration Utility DLL |
clr.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime - WorkStation |
clrcompression.dll | Native data compression routines |
clrhost.dll | In Proc server for managed servers in the Windows Runtime |
clrjit.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime Just-In-Time Compiler |
clusapi.dll | Cluster API Library |
cmcfg32.dll | Microsoft Connection Manager Configuration Dll |
cmcfg32.dll | DLL-fil för konfigurering av Microsoft Anslutningshanteraren |
cmdext.dll | cmd.exe Extension DLL |
cmdial32.dll | Microsoft Connection Manager |
cmdial32.dll | Microsoft Anslutningshanteraren |
cmi2migxml.dll | CMI To MigXML Translation |
cmiadapter.dll | CMI adapter for CSI |
cmicryptinstall.dll | Installers for cryptographic elements of CMI objects |
cmifw.dll | Windows Firewall rule configuration plug-in |
cmifw.dll | Windows Defender Firewall rule configuration plug-in |
cmipnpinstall.dll | PNP plugin installer for CMI |
cmisetup.dll | Windows Component Configuration |
cmitrust.dll | Installers for trustInfo and related elements |
cmiv2.dll | CMI Configuration Management API |
cmlua.dll | Connection Manager Admin API Helper |
cmmigr.dll | Microsoft Connection Manager Migration Lib |
cmnclim.dll | Common Client Library |
cmnresm.dll | Archivo de datos de Zone |
cmpbk32.dll | Microsoft Connection Manager Phonebook |
cmprops.dll | Snapin-moduler för WMI |
cmsetacl.dll | Connection Manager ACL update |
cmstplua.dll | Connection Manager Admin API Helper for Setup |
cmutil.dll | Microsoft Connection Manager Utility Lib |
cmutil.dll | Verktygsbibliotek för Microsoft Anslutningshanteraren |
cnbjmon.dll | Språkövervakare för Canon Bubble-Jet-skrivare |