Nume | Descriere |
ninput.dll | Microsoft Pen and Touch Input Component |
nisres.dll | Microsoft Network Inspection System Resources |
nl7data0011.dll | Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Data and Code |
nl7data001e.dll | Microsoft Thai Natural Language Data and Code |
nl7data0404.dll | Microsoft Chinese Traditional Natural Language Data and Code |
nl7data0804.dll | Microsoft Chinese Simplified Natural Language Data and Code |
nl7lexicons0011.dll | Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Data |
nl7lexicons001e.dll | Microsoft Thai Natural Language Data |
nl7lexicons0404.dll | Microsoft Chinese Traditional Natural Language Data |
nl7lexicons0804.dll | Microsoft Chinese Simplified Natural Language Data |
nl7models0011.dll | Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nl7models0011.dll | Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Data |
nl7models001e.dll | Microsoft Thai Natural Language Data |
nl7models0404.dll | Microsoft Chinese Traditional Natural Language Data |
nl7models0804.dll | Microsoft Chinese Simplified Natural Language Data |
nlaapi.dll | Network Location Awareness 2 |
nlahc.dll | NLA Helper Classes |
nlasvc.dll | Network Location Awareness 2 |
nlbmigplugin.dll | Offline Files Migration Plugin |
nlhtml.dll | HTML filter |
nlhtml.dll | Net Library HTML filter |
nlmcim.dll | Network Connection Profiles WMI Provider |
nlmgp.dll | Network List Manager Snapin |
nlmproxy.dll | Network List Manager Public Proxy |
nlmsprep.dll | Network List Manager Sysprep Module |
nlsbres.dll | NLSBuild resource DLL |
nlscoremig.dll | Microsoft NLS Core Migration Lib |
nlsdata0000.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata0001.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata0002.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata0003.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata0007.dll | Microsoft German Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata0009.dll | Microsoft English Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata000a.dll | Microsoft Spanish Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata000c.dll | Microsoft French Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata000d.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata000f.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata0010.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata0011.dll | Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata0013.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata0018.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata0019.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata001a.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata001b.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata001d.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata0020.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata0021.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata0022.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata0024.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsdata0026.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |