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Fișierele DLL care încep cu n

Nume Descriere
ninput.dll Microsoft Pen and Touch Input Component
nisres.dll Microsoft Network Inspection System Resources
nl7data0011.dll Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Data and Code
nl7data001e.dll Microsoft Thai Natural Language Data and Code
nl7data0404.dll Microsoft Chinese Traditional Natural Language Data and Code
nl7data0804.dll Microsoft Chinese Simplified Natural Language Data and Code
nl7lexicons0011.dll Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Data
nl7lexicons001e.dll Microsoft Thai Natural Language Data
nl7lexicons0404.dll Microsoft Chinese Traditional Natural Language Data
nl7lexicons0804.dll Microsoft Chinese Simplified Natural Language Data
nl7models0011.dll Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Server Data and Code
nl7models0011.dll Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Data
nl7models001e.dll Microsoft Thai Natural Language Data
nl7models0404.dll Microsoft Chinese Traditional Natural Language Data
nl7models0804.dll Microsoft Chinese Simplified Natural Language Data
nlaapi.dll Network Location Awareness 2
nlahc.dll NLA Helper Classes
nlasvc.dll Network Location Awareness 2
nlbmigplugin.dll Offline Files Migration Plugin
nlhtml.dll HTML filter
nlhtml.dll Net Library HTML filter
nlmcim.dll Network Connection Profiles WMI Provider
nlmgp.dll Network List Manager Snapin
nlmproxy.dll Network List Manager Public Proxy
nlmsprep.dll Network List Manager Sysprep Module
nlsbres.dll NLSBuild resource DLL
nlscoremig.dll Microsoft NLS Core Migration Lib
nlsdata0000.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata0001.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata0002.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata0003.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata0007.dll Microsoft German Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata0009.dll Microsoft English Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata000a.dll Microsoft Spanish Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata000c.dll Microsoft French Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata000d.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata000f.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata0010.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata0011.dll Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata0013.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata0018.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata0019.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata001a.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata001b.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata001d.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata0020.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata0021.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata0022.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata0024.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsdata0026.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code