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Fișierele DLL care încep cu n

Nume Descriere
nlslexicons004c.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlslexicons004e.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlslexicons0414.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlslexicons0416.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlslexicons0816.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlslexicons081a.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlslexicons0c1a.dll Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
nlsmodels0011.dll Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Server Data and Code
nmevtmsg.dll DLL-fil för händelseloggning för NetMeeting
nmmkcert.dll NMMKCERT-bibliotek
nmwb.dll NetMeeting Whiteboard
node.dll Node DLL
normaliz.dll Unicode Normalization DLL
npdrmv2.dll DRM Netscape Network Object
npmproxy.dll Network List Manager Proxy
npptools.dll NPP Tools Helper DLL
npwatweb.dll Windows Activation Technologies Plugin for Mozilla
npwmsdrm.dll DRM Store Netscape Plugin
nrpsrv.dll Name Resolution Proxy (NRP) RPC interface
nsepm.dll IIS NSEP mapping DLL
nshhttp.dll HTTP netsh DLL
nshipsec.dll Net Shell IP Security helper DLL
nshwfp.dll Windows Filtering Platform Netsh Helper
nsi.dll NSI User-mode interface DLL
nsisvc.dll Network Store Interface RPC server
ntasn1.dll Microsoft ASN.1 API
ntdll.dll NT Layer DLL
ntdll.dll DLL-fil för NT Layer
ntdsapi.dll Active Directory Domain Services API
ntdsapi.dll NT5DS
ntdsbcli.dll NT5DS
ntdsperf.dll NT5DS
ntevt.dll WMI Event Log Provider
ntlanman.dll Microsoft® Lan Manager
ntlanui.dll DLL för Lanman Control
ntlanui2.dll Network object shell UI
ntlanui2.dll Shell UI för nätverksobjekt
ntlmshared.dll NTLM Shared Functionality
ntlsapi.dll Microsoft® License Server Interface DLL
ntmarta.dll Windows NT MARTA provider
ntmarta.dll Windows NT MARTA-provider
ntmsapi.dll Offentliga gränssnitt för flyttbara lagringsmedia
ntmsdba.dll API för RSM DB-objekt
ntmsevt.dll Händelseloggningsfunktion för Hantering av flyttbara lagringsmedia
ntmsmgr.dll Removable Storage Service
ntmssvc.dll Hanteraren av flyttbara lagringsmedia
ntoc.dll NT OC Manager DLL
ntprint.dll Spooler Setup DLL
ntprint.dll DLL-fil för bufferthanterarens inställningar
ntsdexts.dll Symbolic Debugger Extensions