Nume | Descriere |
nlslexicons004c.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlslexicons004e.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlslexicons0414.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlslexicons0416.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlslexicons0816.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlslexicons081a.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlslexicons0c1a.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nlsmodels0011.dll | Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Server Data and Code |
nmevtmsg.dll | DLL-fil för händelseloggning för NetMeeting |
nmmkcert.dll | NMMKCERT-bibliotek |
nmwb.dll | NetMeeting Whiteboard |
node.dll | Node DLL |
normaliz.dll | Unicode Normalization DLL |
npdrmv2.dll | DRM Netscape Network Object |
npmproxy.dll | Network List Manager Proxy |
npptools.dll | NPP Tools Helper DLL |
npwatweb.dll | Windows Activation Technologies Plugin for Mozilla |
npwmsdrm.dll | DRM Store Netscape Plugin |
nrpsrv.dll | Name Resolution Proxy (NRP) RPC interface |
nsepm.dll | IIS NSEP mapping DLL |
nshhttp.dll | HTTP netsh DLL |
nshipsec.dll | Net Shell IP Security helper DLL |
nshwfp.dll | Windows Filtering Platform Netsh Helper |
nsi.dll | NSI User-mode interface DLL |
nsisvc.dll | Network Store Interface RPC server |
ntasn1.dll | Microsoft ASN.1 API |
ntdll.dll | NT Layer DLL |
ntdll.dll | DLL-fil för NT Layer |
ntdsapi.dll | Active Directory Domain Services API |
ntdsapi.dll | NT5DS |
ntdsbcli.dll | NT5DS |
ntdsperf.dll | NT5DS |
ntevt.dll | WMI Event Log Provider |
ntlanman.dll | Microsoft® Lan Manager |
ntlanui.dll | DLL för Lanman Control |
ntlanui2.dll | Network object shell UI |
ntlanui2.dll | Shell UI för nätverksobjekt |
ntlmshared.dll | NTLM Shared Functionality |
ntlsapi.dll | Microsoft® License Server Interface DLL |
ntmarta.dll | Windows NT MARTA provider |
ntmarta.dll | Windows NT MARTA-provider |
ntmsapi.dll | Offentliga gränssnitt för flyttbara lagringsmedia |
ntmsdba.dll | API för RSM DB-objekt |
ntmsevt.dll | Händelseloggningsfunktion för Hantering av flyttbara lagringsmedia |
ntmsmgr.dll | Removable Storage Service |
ntmssvc.dll | Hanteraren av flyttbara lagringsmedia |
ntoc.dll | NT OC Manager DLL |
ntprint.dll | Spooler Setup DLL |
ntprint.dll | DLL-fil för bufferthanterarens inställningar |
ntsdexts.dll | Symbolic Debugger Extensions |