Nume | Descriere |
ntshrui.dll | Shell extensions for sharing |
ntshrui.dll | Shell-tillägg för delning |
ntvdm64.dll | 16-bit Emulation on NT64 |
ntvdmcpl.dll | Windows 16-Bit Emulation Control Panel |
ntvdmd.dll | NTVDMD.DLL |
ntwdblib.dll | SQL Server Client Library |
nwapi16.dll | NW Windows/Dos API DLL |
nwapi32.dll | NW Win32 API DLL |
nwcfg.dll | NWC Configuration DLL |
nwevent.dll | Händelsemeddelanden för CSNW (Client Service for NetWare) |
nwnp32.dll | Nätverks-provider för Novell NetWare |
nwprovau.dll | DLL-fil för provider- och autentiseringspaket för CSNW (Client Service for NetWare) |
nwwks.dll | Client Service for Netware |
nerocom.dll | Nero COM Module |
nehdblkaccess.dll | Nero Library |
neroapi.dll | Nero Library |
neroapiengine.dll | Nero Library |
nerocom.dll | Nero COM Module |
nersdb.dll | Nero Library |
nmsqldb.dll | Nero Home |
nexus.dll | Nexus / mental ray |
nsarchive10.dll | - |
nspr4.dll | NSPR Library |
nss3.dll | - |
nss3.dll | NSS Base Library |
nssckbi.dll | - |
nssckbi.dll | NSS Builtin Trusted Root CAs |
nssutil3.dll | NSS Utility Library |
npsvg3.dll | SVG Viewer 3.03 |
nppdf32.dll | Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape 18.9.20044 |
nppdf32.dll | Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape 15.10.20056 |
nppdf32.dll | Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape 11.0.12 |
nppdf32.dll | Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape 11.0.10 |
nppdf32.dll | Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape 11.0.03 |
npswf32.dll | Shockwave Flash 254.0 r0 |
npswf32.dll | Shockwave Flash 16.0 r0 |
npswf32.dll | Shockwave Flash 15.0 r0 |
npswf32.dll | Shockwave Flash 12.0 r0 |
npswf32.dll | Shockwave Flash 11.7 r700 |
npswf32.dll | Shockwave Flash 9.0 r28 |
nppc64_80.dll | NVIDIA CUDA NPPCORE Library, Version 8.0.44 |
ntphysx_extensions_x86_s.dll | PhysXExtensions Dynamic Link Library (EG) |
ntphysx_loader_x86_s.dll | PhysXLoader Dynamic Link Library |
nv4.dll | NVIDIA Compatible Windows XP Display Driver, Version 12.40.20 |
nv4_disp.dll | NVIDIA Windows XP Display driver, Version 301.42 |
nv4_disp.dll | NVIDIA Compatible Windows 2000 Display driver, Version 56.73 |
nv4_disp.dll | NVIDIA Compatible Windows 2000 Display driver, Version 44.03 |
nvapi.dll | NVIDIA NVAPI Library, Version 426.23 |
nvapi.dll | NVIDIA NVAPI Library, Version 398.82 |
nvapi.dll | NVIDIA NVAPI Library, Version 398.36 |