Tên | Sự miêu tả |
sccbase.dll | Infineon SICRYPT® Base Smart Card CSP |
sccls.dll | Class-Installer DLL for Smart Cards |
sccsccp.dll | COM-objekt för Infineon SICRYPT® kryptografiprovider för smartkort |
scdeviceenum.dll | Smart Card Device Enumeration Service |
scecli.dll | Windows Security Configuration Editor Client Engine |
scecli.dll | Klientmotor för Windows Redigeraren för säkerhetskonfiguration |
scesrv.dll | Windows Security Configuration Editor Engine |
scesrv.dll | Motor för Windows Redigeraren för säkerhetskonfiguration |
scext.dll | Service Control Manager Extension DLL for non-minwin |
scgmigplugin.dll | Microsoft Speech Migration Plugin |
schannel.dll | TLS / SSL Security Provider |
schedcli.dll | Scheduler Service Client DLL |
schedprov.dll | Task Scheduler WMIv2 Provider |
schedsvc.dll | Task Scheduler Service |
schedsvc.dll | Motor för Schemaläggaren |
schmmgmt.dll | Active Directory Schema MMC Snapin |
scksp.dll | Microsoft Smart Card Key Storage Provider |
sclgntfy.dll | Meddelande-DLL-fil för tjänsten Secondary Logon |
scnpst32.dll | Microsoft Outlook Data File Recovery for ANSI Stores |
scnpst32.dll | Microsoft Personal Folder Recovery for ANSI Stores |
scnpst64.dll | Microsoft Outlook Data File Recovery for UNICODE Stores |
scnpst64.dll | Microsoft Personal Folder Recovery for UNICODE Stores |
scosv.dll | Komponentresurser för Windows (r) Skript |
scp32.dll | Code Page Translation Library |
scredir.dll | Smart Card Redirection for TS |
script.dll | INF Script Module |
script.dll | INF-skripmodul |
scripto.dll | Microsoft ScriptO |
scrobj.dll | Windows ® Script Component Runtime |
scrobj.dll | Windows (R) Script Component Runtime |
scrptadm.dll | Script Adm Extension |
scrrnsv.dll | Microsoft (r) Script Runtime internationella resurser |
scrrun.dll | Microsoft ® Script Runtime |
scrrun.dll | Microsoft (R) Script Runtime |
sdautoplay.dll | Microsoft® Windows Backup AutoPlay Integration Library |
sdcpl.dll | Backup and Restore (Windows 7) Control Panel |
sdcpl.dll | Windows 7 File Recovery Control Panel |
sdcpl.dll | Windows Backup And Restore Control Panel |
sdengin2.dll | Microsoft® Windows Backup Engine |
sdhcinst.dll | Secure Digital Host Controller Class Installer |
sdiageng.dll | Scripted Diagnostics Execution Engine |
sdiagprv.dll | Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API |
sdiagschd.dll | Scripted Diagnostics Scheduled Task |
sdohlp.dll | NPS SDO Helper Component |
sdpblb.dll | Microsoft Sdpblb |
sdrsvc.dll | Microsoft® Windows Backup Service |
sdshext.dll | Microsoft® Windows Backup Shell Extension |
sdspres.dll | Microsoft® Backup & Restore resource library |
searchfolder.dll | SearchFolder |
sechost.dll | Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs |