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Tệp DLL bắt đầu bằng s

Tên Sự miêu tả
sccbase.dll Infineon SICRYPT® Base Smart Card CSP
sccls.dll Class-Installer DLL for Smart Cards
sccsccp.dll COM-objekt för Infineon SICRYPT® kryptografiprovider för smartkort
scdeviceenum.dll Smart Card Device Enumeration Service
scecli.dll Windows Security Configuration Editor Client Engine
scecli.dll Klientmotor för Windows Redigeraren för säkerhetskonfiguration
scesrv.dll Windows Security Configuration Editor Engine
scesrv.dll Motor för Windows Redigeraren för säkerhetskonfiguration
scext.dll Service Control Manager Extension DLL for non-minwin
scgmigplugin.dll Microsoft Speech Migration Plugin
schannel.dll TLS / SSL Security Provider
schedcli.dll Scheduler Service Client DLL
schedprov.dll Task Scheduler WMIv2 Provider
schedsvc.dll Task Scheduler Service
schedsvc.dll Motor för Schemaläggaren
schmmgmt.dll Active Directory Schema MMC Snapin
scksp.dll Microsoft Smart Card Key Storage Provider
sclgntfy.dll Meddelande-DLL-fil för tjänsten Secondary Logon
scnpst32.dll Microsoft Outlook Data File Recovery for ANSI Stores
scnpst32.dll Microsoft Personal Folder Recovery for ANSI Stores
scnpst64.dll Microsoft Outlook Data File Recovery for UNICODE Stores
scnpst64.dll Microsoft Personal Folder Recovery for UNICODE Stores
scosv.dll Komponentresurser för Windows (r) Skript
scp32.dll Code Page Translation Library
scredir.dll Smart Card Redirection for TS
script.dll INF Script Module
script.dll INF-skripmodul
scripto.dll Microsoft ScriptO
scrobj.dll Windows ® Script Component Runtime
scrobj.dll Windows (R) Script Component Runtime
scrptadm.dll Script Adm Extension
scrrnsv.dll Microsoft (r) Script Runtime internationella resurser
scrrun.dll Microsoft ® Script Runtime
scrrun.dll Microsoft (R) Script Runtime
sdautoplay.dll Microsoft® Windows Backup AutoPlay Integration Library
sdcpl.dll Backup and Restore (Windows 7) Control Panel
sdcpl.dll Windows 7 File Recovery Control Panel
sdcpl.dll Windows Backup And Restore Control Panel
sdengin2.dll Microsoft® Windows Backup Engine
sdhcinst.dll Secure Digital Host Controller Class Installer
sdiageng.dll Scripted Diagnostics Execution Engine
sdiagprv.dll Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API
sdiagschd.dll Scripted Diagnostics Scheduled Task
sdohlp.dll NPS SDO Helper Component
sdpblb.dll Microsoft Sdpblb
sdrsvc.dll Microsoft® Windows Backup Service
sdshext.dll Microsoft® Windows Backup Shell Extension
sdspres.dll Microsoft® Backup & Restore resource library
searchfolder.dll SearchFolder
sechost.dll Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs